Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Calling All Friends with Blogs!

Hello to all my readers (that is if I have any)! If you have a blog or website and you are my friend, let me know so that I can add a link to my blog! 1. It makes it easier for me to read your blogs everyday because they are all listed in one handy spot and 2. You might get some more readers! Thanks!


Anonymous said...


The hottest side, this side of the Mississippi!

Faith Zahn said...

Got it! You're up on our site!

Kevin said...

i think you know ours, but just in case, it's kevandjennmiller.com. just our blog is millerreality.blogspot.com!

Who Am I? said...

not that I really post anymore, but mine is.... hopetruthlove.blogspot.com

take care, you guys! look forward to seeing you in a few months!

Anonymous said...

hey lookie lookie! now we are so much more connected! thanks for the link!

Christa Rubsam said...

Hey Kourtney! It's crazy that I saw your blog. I just saw Peter's tonight, and now yours. This is too much of a trip down memory lane, so here's my blog address.
It's mostly about the tours that I've gone on. This year I was the most faithful about it. Enjoy.
It seems like you and Faith are doing well, and I hope you're doing great.

B Bop said...

shoot, Since you got us up on your site..I better get in gear and get you on ours! Much Love! Miss you guys!

Lulu said...

i have a blog! and i even updated it!!! pick me! pick me!

Little mama Rossi said...


I have been reading yours for awhile now, and just started one of my own! It is really nice to read yours and see what is up with you guys! We are praying for you all the time!
