Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mimi's Visit, the Mini, Thanksgiving, Our Pad

We are in store for quite the adventure the next few days. This week has been so crazy with getting our apartment ready to be moved into, trying to sell our Mini, making plans for my grandma, Mimi to visit and preparing to head to Colorado for Thanksgiving! When I try to think about how everything will work out, it gives me a headache. I know that I'll just have to trust the Lord that he will work things out and take one day at a time. Of course, I would personally rather be busy then have nothing to do, but I never seem to find a good balance. Right now my major dilemas are: what are we going to drive to Colorado if the guy buys the Mini this week, what am I going to sleep on in our new apartment and how are we going to afford to spend $1000 on plane tickets to get home for Christmas. When we moved out here, I wanted to really grow in the Lord, so I prayed that He would give me more trials to increase my faith. There have definately been trials, but I know that what I face doesn't compare to many other people! I am grateful that, even though my trials seem huge to me, the Lord has blessed me with a great life, great people to have around me and the things I need (and some that I want).

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