Monday, November 12, 2007

Our New Place

Have you ever wondered how life would be if you lived in a dollhouse? I never did until I saw the "apartment" that we will be living in for, possibly, the next year. Denver Miller, a friend of Kourtney's from school, told us that his mom had an apartment for rent off of her house. We were thrilled because we needed to be in town closer to school, church and work. We basically committed to it before seeing it because Denver told us it was a small, yet nice place and his mom would rent it to us for $400 per month and that included utilities. That is pretty cheap for a place in ABQ. In anticipation, we went and saw the apartment on Saturday night. It was nice, but smaller than I imagined. I walked around a couple of times, trying to figure out how in the world I would fit even the slightest amount of belongings in there. If anyone knows me, I love to have people over and cook up a good meal. Of course, I was thinking that I would be able to do this again, but pretty sure that's not going to happen. Last night I got a tape measurer and decided to do some measuring to see what I could actually fit in there. I was hoping to have a real bed because we have been sleeping on an air mattress for a couple of weeks and before that a futon which unfortunately is not the most comfortable. Here are the measurements: 11' by 14'. Now, that is not counting the bathroom or kitchen area, but still quite small to put a bed, a small table to eat at and possibly a tv and bookshelves. I'll put some pictures up when I get them, but for now if anyone has some good ideas on how I can fit stuff in here I'd love to hear them! I'm off to Ashley furniture to find a sofa bed and then to Starbucks.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Faith, Check out my friend Sara's apartment photos. Sounds like your place is smaller, but you might find some good ideas here!
There are two posts with photos on flickr about apartments they've lived in. I love them!