Friday, February 15, 2008


I was recently given the advice that I should start journaling. I really didn't think about it until today when I was reading a woman's blog who writes for a daily devotion I get through e-mail. I noticed that she posts at least something once a day and pretty much keeps track of what's going on in her life on her blog. I have tried to journal before, and like other things, I do good at getting started but usually it doesn't go much further than that. I thought about it and wondered if maybe it would be easier to journal on my blog? We'll see.....

I guess I need to come up with something to talk about to start off with. I guess I could recap yesterday's events. Honestly, there was nothing interesting at all to my day, but maybe I could throw a few random things in there and spice it up.

Here we go.

Yesterday I woke up with little time to get ready for work (like usual). It was my day off to wash my hair. It's pretty much an every other day occurance. Not because I think my hair is any healthier because of it, but I'm too lazy to do it everyday. I threw it up in a ponytail, checked my face for zits and got fed-up with make up that doesn't cover them and make me look like a movie star! Then I was out the door!

This week Kourtney and I have been driving to work together because our Mini is at the dealership getting $3000 (yes, it's really $3000) worth of work done. Its actually been nice because we get to see each other a little more and we realized this morning we are saving a bunch of money in gas! I think this might be something we thought would be an inconvinience but turns out to be a good idea! He dropped me off at work and was off to class.

There is nothing much to say about my day at work. A typical day except the fact that I got a migraine. At least it was something to keep my mind occupied. I called Kourtney and had him bring me a coke, which paired with a couple tylenol, is my recipe for a better head! We were on our lunch breaks, so I took him back to Calvary when we were done. I needed the car for my English class that evening. On the way to Calvary I had a little cry, which I still can't figure out what brought that on. Probably the wealth of emotions that I deal with on a daily basis that have to do with EVERYTHING in life right now. I can now understand how my mother-in-law feels everytime she crys on the phone with us. She had a big move herself and I always wondered why she cried all the time when she talked to us. Now I know.

I got back to work for the second half of my work day. Luckly my second "half" is only three hours because I work 8 am to 1pm and then take my lunch to get most of my day over before I take a break. It, or course, was unevenful. Sometimes I wish there would be a wreck outside my window or something that would excuse me from my desk for at least 5 minutes. Plus it would provide some visual stimulation which is completely removed from my day, not to mention human contact. Maybe I could go rescue someone from their car and save their life.....or something like interesting like that. For now I will have to think of things to ramble on and on about.

5:00 PM - The most joyous part of my day! I am off work and headed to class. Last night we got our grammar tests back that we had done at Tuesday's class. I was waiting in anticipation to get it back since it's the first test I have taken in school for 7 years! I held my breath while the teacher passed out everyone elses and then got to A! I was really excited. He even wrote "Excellent" on the top. I told Kourtney that grades are actually nice because they get you excited when you do well and get you back in line when you don't do so great.

After class I went and picked Kourtney up from the church. It was about 7:30. We went back to the "shanty" and sat around and picked our noses. No, just kidding. Actually we did sit around and thought about what we were going to eat for supper. I had no motivation to cook for a number of reasons: I make our food at home so we can take it with us for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner, the options were popcorn or an old can of disgusting, Chef Boyardee and all that sounded good was pizza. We hesistantly talked about eating out and then quickly got ourselves back in line and decided that we did have bread and velveeta. So grilled cheese it was.

One of Kourtney's favorite things to do is to eat late and watch a movie. After he made his grilled cheese he pulled out the movie veiwing, laptop (an old laptop borrowed from our landlord) which we set on a piece of outdoor furniture and a big rubbermaid container. Now that we have an actual mattress we need something to make the tv higher than the bed. He started watching "Sum of All Fears" and I felt gross because of not washing my hair and my zits, so I hopped in the shower. After I got out I wanted to go to bed immediately so I would be prepared to get up at 5 am for aerobics. Kourtney looked like he was in a comatose state watching the movie, so I asked him if we should just turn it off. He agreed and that was our night!

You all are probably thinking, oh my gosh, I can't believe she just spent all of that time writing let alone taking up a half hour of my precious time. Like I said earlier, I need some action at my job!!!!


Who Am I? said...

Sounds like you had yourself an exciting day!

It's so great you're in college. Did you ever think the letter "A" would make you happy again?

I enjoyed this post, Faith! I look forward to reading more of your days.

Bethany said...

Wow. Go you.
I will say I think it'd be great to see you journal on what the Lord is doing in your life over there (err..down). And your life in general. I'm sorry your job is such a bore. And I don't know that wanting to see a wreck is such a great idea. I mean, yeah to get out and for something to look at and action, but man, that crash was scary. We still don't know if that lady is dead or not. Crazy stuff. That's why we should always say I love you to each other!
So I love you Faith!

Faith Zahn said...

Thanks Bethany! That was so sweet! I love you too!