Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Probe Is Laid To Rest

I'm tellin' you, if it's not one thing its another!  Today we went to the Sandia Mini dealership to pick up the curse of a car, our Mini Cooper.  After writing a check for $3152.97, I drove the car around to meet Kourtney where the Probe was sitting.  He quickly informed me that he would have to ride with me since the Probe's radiator had exploded everywhere.  I was already not in the best of spirits after signing away half of our yearly income.   I also was embarrassed because here our probe with two plastic-covered windows was gracing the lot of the Mini and BMW dealership.  We decided that even if we fixed the radiator something else was bound to happen to the Probe.  We called around to all of the junk yards and found someone who was willing to give us 100 bucks for the thing.  I called a towing company to see how much that would set us back and luckily we are going to make $30.33 after the tow.  We did have big plans to sit the Mini somewhere and not drive it so we could sell it as soon as possible.  Now we are back to one car.  I guess I can look at the bright least the Probe made it until we got the Mini back!


Bethany said...

wow. What a bummer. I'm really sorry. I would agree that at least you do have one car and not no car.
We'll be praying for you guys.

Kevin said...

at least it looked cool all tagged up before you laid it to rest. one day someone will find that mullet-tagged plastic and be so stoked! you just made somenone's day.

Faith Zahn said...

Actually Kevin, Kourtney had just replaced the plastic in the back and put new duct tape over the mullet man on the side window that morning!