Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall, I miss you.

Living in New Mexico has it's perks, believe me, but there's nothing like a good Indiana fall. I've been craving it lately because I know what's taking place about 1200 miles away from me. Here is my top ten (well, i might expand into twenty) list of the reasons I love fall in Indiana.

10. The humidity is gone.
9. The bugs are gone.
8. The leaves are spectacular colors of red, orange and yellow. And there are lots of them!
7. There is nothing like a good fall campfire with good friends.
6. A Chai Tea or Pumpkin Spice Latte hits the spot.
5. The nights are cool and the days are warm.
4. There is freshness in the air.
3. It's a perfect time to wear a cute little scarf and a long sleeve T, but not a parka!
2. You can sense others appreciation for the season.
1. It's the perfect time to watch my favorite move: You've Got Mail.

Ahhhh.....I can just feel it.


Anonymous said...

ahh pumpkin spice lattes...i love those things.. I have been rocking out like 2-3 of those per day..thanks to Torani sauces!!

Faith Zahn said...

Oh, you mean you aren't ripping off the Bux?

Lulu said...

you can still have most of your list in new mexico! geez! you don't have to move away from me to enjoy fall... :)