Monday, September 22, 2008

Speaking of You've Got Mail...

I have to share this wonderful story.

I think it was my Senior year in high school that You've Got Mail came out. I never saw it in the theater, I think I rented it from the Waveland Public Library. I had always been a Meg Ryan fan, but this movie was magical. If you know me at all, I am not a fan of movies. I generally think they are a complete waste of time. In fact, I rarely stay awake during the entire show. Anyway, I fell in love with it. I've watched it so many times, I know it by heart. I think it's one of the two movies I own. (Clifford is the other one and I'll have to do a separate blog on that hysterical film another day)

Kourtney and I were dating. I was still in school finishing up and he had just graduated the year before. I'm embarrassed to say, I don't remember if this most amazing moment happened on my birthday or Valentine's Day. That really doesn't matter. I got a note that said to come to the school office and that I had a delivery. A million things ran through my head, but nothing could prepare me for what I was about to receive. As I walked in the office, the secretary was giving me a strange look. She said, "Are you Faith Storer?" I said yes and handed her my slip. She then proceeded to hand me a bouquet. This was no ordinary bouquet. It was nothing ordinary like roses or daisies. This was a bouquet of "freshly sharpened pencils." I was in heaven! I walked out of that office so proud and amazed that my boyfriend had thought of such a thing! People stared at me and were bewildered at my gift. I knew as soon as I told them the story behind it their hearts would melt.

When Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelley are chatting online in You've Got Mail, they are talking about fall and how they love that time of year. Joe tells Kathleen that he'd send her a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils if he knew her name and address. It's one of the many wonderfully, quotable lines in the movie that makes any girl's heart sink. Kourtney knew how much I loved that movie, that he went out and bought 50 unsharpened pencils. He and his best friend Steven sharpened each one with little pencil sharpeners. Kourtney found a glass jar and put some of that green foam down in it. He stuck all of the pencils, sharpened end down into that foam. Then he wrapped the outside of the jar with green wrapping paper. It was incredible. I think that's when I really knew this was the guy I wanted to marry!

It just goes to show that it's not about how much someone spends on you that matters, it's how much thought they put into it. I still find it hard to believe that my husband thought of such a thing!


Kevin said...

Kourtney is the only man i know that still uses pencils! i love it.

mrs a. said...

i love that :)