Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What is Kourtney doing now?

That's a question I've been getting a lot lately since he's officially graduated from Shepherd's School. Well, he resigned from the Skate Park, but is still working 30 hours a week for Calvary's Mid-high youth group, Velocity. He's taken a little break since the end of August, but he'll start working the first week of October for Fed-Ex. A guy that graduated from School of Ministry here at Calvary owns two Fed-Ex routes and needs a driver. Kourtney takes driving school in a couple of weeks and will then start driving part to full time for him. We are hoping that this job proves to be good for him and that he will be able to do the same thing when we move back to Indy. There is even the opportunity to buy your own routes and then hire someone else to drive for you. You know Kourtney and I, and that our minds never stop thinking about the possibilities with new businesses. During his "down" time he's been picking up a few yard work jobs here and there and teaching a School of Ministry class at Calvary. He's teaching Personal Discipline. This class teaches on more of the basics to your relationship with the Lord. Such as: Prayer, Fasting, etc. He's using the book, "Celebration of Discipline." He's learning so much by just teaching and has gotten lots of positive feedback from his students. This time has been so good for him to do a lot of praying and working on the upcoming church plant. He's been contacting many pastors from all types of churches and backgrounds and asking their advice from when the first started out in the ministry. It's been neat to see how the Lord is fashioning His church by using many different people to speak into Kourtney's life. Kourtney is not so convinced that he wants to just follow the norm so-to-speak, but wants to really evaluate things and allow the Lord to be the real pastor of this church. He's stepping back and trying to clear the agenda and let God pave the way. I'm so excited to see the Lord shaping him into an amazing man of God who has such a passion for Him and His people. We'll try to keep you all updated with the process.

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